Livinhome makes a strong contribution to the role of housing in creating and maintaining sustainable communities
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Social & environmental sustainability


The UN Sustainability Goals

The UN Sustainability goals are a collection of independent but interconnected goals carefully designed to give all of us on our planet a better future.

Livinhome is conceived and committed to work in partnerships towards achieving measurable improvements to: Health & Well-Being, Affordable Clean Energy, Reduced Inequality, Sustainable Cities & Communities, Sustainable Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Responsible Consumption/Production and Climate Action.

The energy used in homes accounts for more than a quarter of energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in the United Kingdom. More energy is used in housing than either road transport or industry, and housing represents a major opportunity to cut energy use and CO2 emissions.”
The United Kingdom Housing Energy Fact File

Sustainable approach

Livinhome provides a flexible model for accommodation that caters for inclusion and changes in society. In construction terms, it is 'systems agnostic' – meaning it can be constructed using all modern methods of construction platforms (MMC) as well as traditional. It can provide for a net zero carbon housing solution.

UN Sustainability Good Health and Wellbeing Goal
UN Sustainability Affordable and Clean Energy Goal
UN Sustainability Reduced Inequalities Goal
UN Sustainability Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal


The Livinhome chassis sits at the core of the house onto which a range of exterior and interior building systems can be fitted. The building fabric’s performance is at the heart of how well it will perform. We refer to this as the ‘fabric first’ principle; once the fabric is working well this empowers other systems to operate to their optimum.

Key to all of these construction techniques is high thermal performance and air-tightness, which simply means the air you heat to warm your house stays in your house. This air is kept fresh throughout the house using a ducted heat recovery ventilation system.

Livinhome is highly sustainable, targeting net zero carbon living.

UN Sustainability Affordable and Clean Energy Goal


Through the use of Modern Methods of Construction we can ensure high quality standardised products are produced off-site to help reduce waste and improve construction efficiency. Livinhome is for life and its design creates an ideal home to live in.

All building systems used for a Livinhome are technologically innovative and have been exhaustively tested and proven. In addition to the Livinhome range of building systems being robust and durable, the use of advanced Modern Methods of Construction also reduces the likelihood of construction defects.

UN Sustainability Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Goal
UN Sustainability Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal
UN Sustainability Responsible Consumption and Production Goal


We create homes that support and assist their occupants, all Livinhome’s are designed to meet, and often exceed, ‘Lifetime Homes’ standards. The layouts have dual aspect and good access to natural light with large windows and free-flowing open plan spaces.

The use of heat recovery ventilation further improves the quality of the internal environment, by ducting fresh filtered air to all spaces, controlling humidity and removing odours. Research has shown this control of humidity and fresh air filtering has many health benefits – especially for people with asthma or respiratory problems.

Livinhome also uses non-damaging finishes, such as low or non-Volatile Organic Compounds. The gases given off by many building materials are potentially harmful and there is a big drive to clean up construction materials and remove products that may cause harm. As many products as possible are selected from the BRE Green Guide.

UN Sustainability Good Health and Wellbeing Goal
UN Sustainability Reduced Inequalities Goal


Livinhome is for life and our design creates an ideal home to live in. All building systems used for a Livinhome are technologically innovative and have been exhaustively tested and proven. In addition to the range of building systems used in Livinhome houses being robust and durable, the use of advanced Modern Methods of Construction also reduces the likelihood of construction defects

UN Sustainability Climate Action Goal
UN Sustainability Partnerships for the Goals
The Livinhome development in Woodview Mews, Croydon

Learn more about the idea behind Livinhome